Jana & Dominik - fully black & white alternative couple photoshoot, Warsaw city centre - young, wild and crazy

What is love? Does it have age, definition, gender or any sort of form or social norm?

The longer I shoot weddings and couples in love the more I see that the definition itself is.. liquid. Love can have lots of shapes, forms, colours… But it has as well core, the same for every couple, which is respect, care, trust and that feeling of relax.

People in love are themselves next to loved ones, like being next to each other is a form of rest from all that modern world’s mess. They are home to each other.

I have for you today pictures I have made of my niece and her amazing boyfriend. These crazy cats are young, like … very young. But looking at them I simply knew - they have it all. The same incredible, powerful feelings as mature couples. Don’t underestimate teenage love - it’s love as any other. So I grabbed my niece’s camera, I photographed them in the best way I could telling their story, showing their mood, capturing what’s the best in this life.